You may have heard that recycling creates jobs, saves renewable resources, and contributes to the overall health of the Earth. But did you know that you can recycle prosthetic limbs to help those in need? Did you know that it may take up to one million years for a glass bottle to decompose if not recycled? Read on to discover five facts you may not have heard about recycling:
1. Recycling is cheaper than you think
It's often more cost-effective for the city than trash, costs the environment less, and despite popular opinion can be cheaper for you as well. When a city starts up a recycling program, it may seem to residents that they're being charged more for recycling than for regular trash.
This can be explained by the fact that local governments sometimes subsidize regular waste disposal in a way that makes the direct cost seem lower. What you don't realize is that you're also paying for it in other ways, such as taxes. So even if the direct cost of recycling is higher, the overall cost may be lower.
2. Over half of computers in America end their lives as toxic waste
Statistically speaking, this will happen to your computer in a few years as well. It will end up in a landfill, and only you can save it. There are ways to safely recycle your devices (such as laptops and cellphones) without breaching the security of your files, and sometimes you can even get paid for it.
3. 60 million dollars' worth of precious metals end up in landfills each year
This isn't because people accidentally dump their jewelry the trash, but rather because they throw away their old cell phones. Who knew outdated smartphones were so valuable? It might be worth the effort to make sure your e-waste is part of the small percentage that actually gets recycled.
4. With the advent of some new and developing technology, used diapers can be recycled too!
If this trend catches on, you may soon be able to send diapers away for recycling on a regular basis. Diapers are estimated to need 250-500 years to decompose, and Americans throw away about 18 billion per year. At this rate, America's landfills may acquire somewhere between 450 billion and 900 billion (that's 900,000,000,000) diapers before any of them finish breaking down.
Of course, this centuries-long decomposition time doesn't even come close to the champion: glass bottles may survive for one million years before decomposing! (But like the diapers, nobody's actually seen this happen, so it's just an estimate.)
5. Other weird things you can donate for recycling include:
Remember, these are special recycling programs, so don't put the items listed above in your curbside recycling bin or they will not get recycled.
The profusion of recycling options available is great news for recycling fans. Whether you identify as a full-blown environmentalist or just recycle plastic drink bottles, these little-known recycling facts can help you make well-informed recycling decisions. So keep on recycling and keep the Earth healthy. To learn more, contact a company like B-P Trucking Inc. with any questions or concerns you have.