Construction Clean-Up: 4 Disposal Options For The Junk

Construction often creates a lot of debris, from torn out windows to discarded wood. Whether you work on a construction site or are thinking of attempting some DIY renovations, you'll need to figure out how you will dispose of the waste. Here are four methods for removing construction waste: 1. Donate Materials A lot of the "waste" materials from construction sites aren't waste at all. In fact, many of them can be reused and re-purposed. [Read More]

Three Things You Should Not Stick In Your Compactor Rental And Why

When you need a compactor for a very short time, renting one is a very good solution (from a local outlet such as C-TEC Compactors & Balers). The company brings the compactor to you and picks it up when you are done. If you have never had a compactor rental, there are some rules you need to follow with some very specific reasons why.      No Metal Objects Unless you ordered and requested a metal compactor specifically, you should not put any metal into your compactor rental. [Read More]

Property Managers: How To Make Recycling Easy For Your Tenants

As a property manager, you probably understand the importance of encouraging your tenants to recycle. Not only will doing so help the environment, but it can also help get rid of any junk that might otherwise sit around the apartment complex and make the property look less than appealing to passerby and potential tenants. Although you might have asked your tenants to recycle and may have even sent out flyers and other information, you could still be struggling to encourage them to recycle their waste as much as possible. [Read More]

3 Tips For A Stress-Free Moving Day!

Moving is exciting, but it can also be time-consuming and stressful. Packing can be a challenge, and when you're moving across the country, every box counts! Here are three tips to save time and reduce stress when moving: 1. Start ahead of time. It's easy to procrastinate and put packing off until the last minute. After all, you still need to live in your house, so it may not seem reasonable to start packing months ahead of time. [Read More]